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Friday, March 23, 2012

Post-Extraction Break

Yes I know, I'm hardworking. TYVM. LOL!

Alrighty people!

Had a good long rest at home! 19th to 23th March. On a Monday extracted my right side top and bottom wisdom tooth. I wasn't feeling nervous at all until I was lying on the operating chair. I saw this anesthetic needle. It is like...i guess the length of your iPhone? She just poke it right through! Top and bottom. I swear the needle was just like so close to protrude from the cheek. No mercy at all. Bloody violent.

I was doubting her professionalism when I was at the pre-op room. She was examining my teeth but at the bottom tabs, I saw a "Gmarket - shopping Fun and...." tab.
I was like "You serious man?"
I stared at the dentist...
then at the tab...
then at the dentist....
then I prayed.

The removal of my bottom right wisdom tooth was to be done by drilling. It was a "no-mercy" process. Rough ttm. Cannot la....I was gripping the chair damn tight. I could see her DIGGING AND DIGGING. The worst thought on my mind was she might over drill and drill out my cheek. Like so Final Destination. Sigh. Too much movies. The bottom anesthetic wasn't strong, I had to receive like almost 3 shots but still feeling pain. The top came out damn fast. Didn't felt like she did anything at all. Thank god it is over. ;pray

So I rested at home or my grandma's house. Either way. With babes accompanying me too.

The excel sheet picture is a Card Sheet that I had created. Listing down the prices of all my cards. In different Sets, rarity and formula done. Haha! I just have to enter the price and quantity, I'll get my price, net value per rarity AND total value. Omg. Feeling super satisfied with this spreadsheet! Putting my excel skills to good use! Heh.

Last day of my MC. Savor it while I can. *immerse in deep relaxation*

Bye :D