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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Counting Down to 2015

So...In 2 more days a new year will start, if there are any readers still out there, have a happy new year! :D To myself as well. will be starting my new job as an auditor coming this new year. Pretty much mix of feelings, such as feeling dreadful over the long working hours, not being able to meet my babe as often as usual, worried if I'm not cut out for the job, but still feeling pretty much excited as I would be able to do a field which I really wanted to try and hopefully I would be able to get used to it and progress from there.

This would be the one thing I will be looking forward to this new year, something apart from the usual celebrations I've been heading the last few years of my life.

Its the work life now. At this very moment, sitting on the chair on the computer. I'm still wondering when will it end? Hopefully I get to enjoy my retirement and not work till I drop. Its a pity, my Dad told me his ex-colleague worked till like 50+ odd in his life and after he had his tender to enjoy retirement, he was down with lung cancer and passed away. I don't know him though, but I can feel worked so hard just to enjoy his retirement, and when he finally did, he didn't get to enjoy it in the end after all... Neither am I influencing that we should just enjoy our lives and screw work. Well.. Just a penny for my thoughts!

Genting 26-28 Dec:

It was a first time trip for me and my company of friends. Hewett, Kay together with their +1s and Benjamin. It's been almost a decade of friendship and this was our first trip together. I didn't gamble as much as the last time with the other group I went genting with though but we did more recreational stuff. I think partially cause they are not so much into gambling so I didn't had much of that feel to gamble as well.

My girl got quite a good deal from the Nike store, was on clearance at 99RM. With that price and the current currency rate, it was a steal. I didn't buy my self though because I just got my own pair of running shoes. Hopefully we can go running together now ya baby? No excuses!

This trip for both of us...I feel...say...proud? Because I covered the whole trip from the coach,hotel and expenses for both of us. Reason is cause I am working now. Not saying its a big deal. Like....its a accomplishment to be able to provide and take care for your partner, not at this age, but being able to. Soon...the family will come and I would have a bigger pool to provide for. I'm not whining or complaining or feeling the pinch. It just a self sense of responsibility I guess?

I know I'm like...totally off topic from where my genting trip suppose to be. But we did not take much photos. Just a couple shots at the bus terminal and the Glow in the dark Bowling alley. (I thought they had glowing bowling balls, to my disappointment.)

 The bunch of us at the bowling alley,step one at club.

 On the way back Singapore, farewell Genting.

With my sweet love! CR: Hewett

Oh god. I think I've put on much weight! And yes, I admit, I AM LAZY. One can't get the best of both worlds can you? Gotta make some time to lose weight soon! (Damn double chin)

Both rides to and fro Genting WAS SUPER LONG. Partially cause of the rain and the jam due to period we were going. It was 8 hours to Genting and 9 hours back. IT IS MADNESS! I don't think we will be going there anytime soon. Lest till the new theme park reopens, which looks really marvelous.

We took a cab back home and on that chilly night, Me and babe made our own home-cooked Chicken Karaage Udon Soup! Nothing like a warm home-cooked meal, in the chilly weather with your favourite partner.

Our culinary pride!

Last of all...when the clock strikes 12, Christmas magic appears.

I hope you like this gift baby. You look so pretty wearing it. Sorry for filling half of your bracelet already! My OCD problem don't let me leave things so empty. Hah.

And, thanks for your gift too! Just when I needed this wallet, came in so much at the right time. My 2nd Cow wallet, my 2nd gift from you. Love you lots.

Can't wait to look forward to the NEW YEAR. Its gonna be great, don't ask why. I just know it!