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Friday, February 24, 2012

Electrify my Tones!

Im inspired.

 I've nothing much to say. So random post. Been very into playing my Electone lately, a.k.a electric organ. 

I'm proud to be a self-learnt Organist.

 It sounds super weird, so I know I'll say I'm an electonist. Cause, Electone is the brand Yamaha gave to their models of Electric Organs.

I remember I used to see weird faces when I tell people I play the organ. They'll be like..."Err...organ? Human organ?" then they'll laugh. -.-" Thinking about it, it does sounds stupid, but they're stupid as well for not knowing what an organ is.

I know I can't boast about my grades. My electone is mainly for self-enjoyment and leisure. Go around, ask people, they'll say they learnt piano. How many actually say they can play the organ? :)

They say is the same. I played both, its a totally different feel. Musicians thing.

So into it right now. I'm thinking should I even go for grades. I know I left music school after I failed my 2nd grade test. Should I? :\

Anyway, see you all. :) Loving my Electone.