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Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Yes. I've been away for almost 14 months.

Blogger app crashed on me and I didn't save. Just as I was about to publish my post. Sigh...

Basically I did a few tweaks.

1)added Cbox. ( yes you can shout out, but don't abuse it please!)
2) Made my archive neater
3) Removed redundant labels

Well, I accidentally clicked on my old posts, even just a year ago, I can totally see myself acting like a kid. Makes me wonder, after all these years, how and what is the perception I give to other people from the ways I behave and act?

I did some self reflection. I ain't gonna pen all down, but...

Sorry for taking those who treated me well for granted.
Sorry for being such a self-centered person.

Bad habits die hard. But, hopefully determination will kick it eventually.

So much happened over the past 14 months its impossible to pen down every single thing. Army ended, freedom granted, School started, new life commenced.

I've learnt so much along the way. :) through tough times, and rough tides, life is never smooth, thus, the only way is to go right through it.

"Dear God, I pray you will guide me through my walk of life."